A Barack Obama le encanta usar su blackberry, pero el Servicio Secreto de Estados Unidos no quiere que lo siga usando por considerarlo un riesgo a la seguridad nacional. Antes de que le quiten el blackberry a Obama, hay que escribirle.

Notimex ha estado publicando con demasiada insistencia nota tras nota

sobre la reunión entre Felipe Calderón y Barack Obama que se llevará a

cabo el próximo lunes 12 de Enero. Esta reunión en realidad es entre

Obama, George W. Bush, y como colado, Felipe Calderón, pero el gobierno

usurpador la ha querido promover como un acto legitimador para

Calderón. La reunión de entre una hora y 90 minutos no resolverá en lo

absoluto ninguno de los problemas bilaterales entre México y Estados

Unidos. Para lo único que servirá es para que Calderón se tome la foto.

Nada más.

Al margen de que esto ocurra o no, es justo y necesario que tanto

Barack Obama como el público de Estados Unidos que votó por Obama sepan

el tipo de fichita con la que se va a reunir Obama. Por este motivo,

SDP convoca a sus lectores a ¡aprestad el bridón! y escribirle tanto a

Barack Obama como a medios alternativos de Estados Unidos como Michael

Moore, el Huffington Post, Democracy Now y Moveon.org para alertarles

de lo que está por ocurrir y le avisen a Obama de lo mal que se va a

ver sacándose la foto con Calderón.

Simplemente envíen el siguiente email a las siguientes direcciones:








Y usen el siguiente título:

"Why is Barack Obama meeting with somebody like Felipe Calderon?"

(En español: "¿Por qué se va a reunir Obama alguien como Felipe Calderón?")

Este es el cuerpo del mensaje:

"Dear Mr. Obama,

I'm writing you on behalf of the Mexican people. The Mexican government

has been insisting quite a bit on letting everybody know that you will

be meeting with appointed president of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, on

Monday, January 12.

As concerned Mexicans who supported your presidential campaign in the

hope of bringing change not just to the USA, but to the world, we

simply can't understand why are you meeting with Calderon. Don't you

know who he is? Here are some facts:

1. In 2006 Calderón launches a smear campaign against left-wing

presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Much like the smear

campaign John McCain used against you.

2. Just a few days before the presidential election, Calderon meets in

secret with former Central America guerrillas who murdered people in

places like El Salvador. To this day Calderon has not revealed why was

he meeting with them. The meeting was reported by El Universal

newspaper here:


3. Calderon and his political right-winf party, the PAN, perpetrate an

electoral fraud to steal the Mexican presidency. A court ends up

appointing Calderon after refusing to do a vote recount, much like the

Supreme Court did with George W Bush un 2000. The complete details of

this fraud can be seen in the documentary FRAUDE: Mexico 2006 (you can

find a copy in the US with subtitles.)

4. Almost immediately after taking the office he did not win in the

elections, Calderon launches a "war against drug traffic" in a

desperate attempt at trying to legitimize his electoral fraud. The

"war" has not solve the drug problem in Mexico. On the contrary; it

duplicated the amount of violence in Mexico in just one year. 2008 saw

twice as many deaths related to crime than the previous year, which

also had an increment in crime-related deaths.

5. That in itself is a problem. But to make it even worse, hundreds of

those deaths have been innocent civilians. Many of them, on top of it,

were murdered by the Mexican military at the checkpoints ordered by

Calderon in different cities throughout Mexico. Two cases are

particularly horrid. One in the state of Sinaloa, where the army fired

against a truck with an entire family, killing almost all of

them--including women and children. When the wounded were taken to the

hospital by other family members, the military did everything they

could to keep them from reaching the hospital promptly. As a result,

most of the wounded died. Some say the army did this to make sure there

were no survivors who could testify against them. This incident took

place in May of 2007. One of the many news articles on the incident can

be read here:


6. Another inciden ot murder by the Mexican army under Calderon: On

december 12, 2008, the Mexican army opens fire against a pregnant woman

in the state of Chihuahua. One of the many news articles on the

incident can be read here:


7. Inbetween these two incidents of outright murder by the army

commanded by Calderon, presidential elections in the USA took place.

Calderon did not support you, Mr. Obama. He supported your rival, John

McCain. On a radio interview he declared point blank that McCain "knows

Mexico better". This was interpreted as an obvious endorsement of

McCain. A news article on the incident can be read here:


By the way: the exact same day German Martinez, president of the PAN

party--and one of Calderon's puppets--published an op-ed piece in El

Universal newspaper in which he too endorsed McCain. At the end of his

op-ed piece he said: "Obama or McCain? Whoever doesn't mess with

NAFTA". Martinez meant McCain, of course, as he refused to revise

NAFTA. You mentioned in your campaign that you would support a revision

of NAFTA. Martinez's op-ed piece can be found here:


These people are not your friends, Mr. Obama. They despise everything you stand for.

8. Back to the issue of the murders perpetrated by the army under

Calderon, on Friday, January 9, Calderon ordered his team of diplomats

to lie about the deaths. He told them to deny that civilians were being

massacred in the streets of Mexico so as to create the idea of a Mexico

in which the government was simple "cleaning house." That's what

Calderon want the world to think. Again, here's the news story on this:


9. But the truth is Calderon has instated a policy of repression in

Mexico in which not even high school students can practice their right

to freedom of speech. In 2008, Calderon ordered the army to arrest a

high school student who won an award for acadamic excellence simply

because he called Calderon "spurious" publicly. A second studen was

also arrested for shouting "Freedom? What Freedom?" in front of

Calderon. When he asked why was he being arrested, the army answered

him "ask you fucking conscience." You can read about this incident here:


I ask again: is this the person you are meeting with, Mr. Obama?

Now, you may remember vicepresident Al Gore did not want to meet with

Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, another right-wing latinamerican

president. Uribe is pretty much the same as Calderon. Why do you want

to meet with him, then? Aren't you aware that in doing so you are

merely helping HIM to try to legitimize his electoral fraud? Because,

quite frankly, you are not getting anything out of this meeting.

Calderon just wants to take a picture with you.

If you do allow Caldron to take that picture with you, Mr. Obama, you

will no longer be seen in Mexico and many countries around the world as

a symbol of change, but as yet another American President with the same

agenda as George W. Bush. Is that really what you want? To waste away

the hard work of millions of people to get you elected President in the

hope of REAL change? To confirm that your "change" was nothing but

fairy tale?

I urge you, Mr. Obama, NOT to meet with Felipe Calderon. Do not help

somebody who is responsible for murder and repression in Mexico. That

is not who you are. Let Bush meet with Calderon if he wants to. But

don't bismirch you own reputation by allowing somebody who is behind the murder of innocent--people and who wasn't

even elected by the Mexican people--to take a picture with you. The

people who supported you in Mexico, in the US, and around the world,

deserve better than that.



PS: Just to make sure the people of the USA who voted for you read this

letter, I'm sending a copy of it to Michael Moore, Democracy Now, The

Huffington Post, and MoveOn.org. I respectfully ask all of them to

please distribute this letter to all of their readers."